Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Getting Published Ain't Easy!

Regarding Wikipedia, I thought - why edit a few words or sentences when I can publish an entire article?

I'm always stressing to my boys that they use proper sourced materials, like from the CPL's shared databases, when doing their homework. Steer clear of Wikipedia because who knows what kind of nut has posted an article there!

Turns out you have to have several sources backing up a new article or Wikipedia will whip it off the web. I got started posting an article dedicated to Berkeley's Barn Owl Dance, a picture book I wrote (yay!;) but there were many, many steps and criteria that had to be met before it would ever see the light of day.

While I didn't have the time (takes several days and much backing and forthing) to complete the article, I did gain a new respect for Wikipedia's system of filtering out nuts like me.

1 comment:

  1. I just edited the following article I was reading to get some quick background on wood frogs - so easy! I changed the word similarly to similar... 2 whole letters - yay me!

